Logo of the Comparative Behavioral Ecology group showing a grackle and a human face inside a tree

Dieter Lukas

I am a Senior Researcher in the Comparative Behavioral Ecology group of the Department of Human Behaviour, Ecology and Culture at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (see here for my full CV) investigating the

causes and consequences of sociality

My research reveals…

…the ecological conditions shaping …that with whom individuals live guides their …how social interactions affect

Social Organisation

the distribution of individuals in space and time

Social Behavior

the patterns of interactions among individuals

Social Structure

the distribution of power and resources within societies

A picture showing two groups of lions in their separate territorities, each containing multiple females and fewer males. A graphic illustrating that in lions, cooperation primarily occurs among females within groups, mating occurs within groups, and interactions between groups are characterized by aggression between the males. A graphic showing that in lion groups, males tend to rank higher than females, but that there is no clear hierarchy among the females in a lion group.

More about my:    Research projects      Resources      Publications